Saturday, May 26, 2012

This is one of my "Connections" series. It was chosen by and is being loaned to Mercy Hospital to be displayed. Media is acrylic paints and it is 22" x15" on paper and matted and framed. I really enjoy painting in this style.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This is a watercolor painting of the old Lookingglass Store. It is one of seven paintings on loan to Mercy Hospital for an indefinite time. I aspire to represent a building as accurately as possible but do not try to realistically render a piece as if I were using a camera - I want the viewer to know this image was painted by an artist.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Lakeside Trees - watercolor, 11"x15" - this painitng was a demonstration for the watcolor class I teach. It was created by using direct painting and spray bottle with liquid watercolor paints, an interesting technique with amazing possibilities.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ukranian Egg Decoration

Decorated this goose egg by the Ukrainian method using wax-resist and dyes. It takes a bit of practice, but the system has amazing results. My friend, Nancy Wolf, teaches this method each Easter and has taught many people how to do it. I had a wonderful afternoon at Nancy's house making this design and enjoyed meeting eight other artists.

Monday, February 13, 2012

                                      "Tori" - watercolor - 11 x 15 inches
                                                         copyright JLynn Peterson

This is a demo for my watercolor class. The challenge was to do a painting in gray using only red, yellow and blue pigments. I was not concerned with creating a perfect likeness of my granddaughter but concentrated on mixing grays without a color bias leaning toward any of the three colors. Working with the great hues produced by modern manufacturers students can get distracted and forget about values while painting - sometimes it is great to just get lost in COLOR but, one should find out what VALUE those colors are if they want to have a successful painting...very tricky stuff.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

                                                 "Computer Doodle"

I'm wondering why few visitors leave a comment? At first this blog had a problem with comments but I thought it was resolved - some go to my facebook page to make a comment about this blog - it seems to me it would be easier to leave a comment while at this site. Any information about this would be appreciated. Thanks, as above, JLynn

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


"Tori"  - digital photograph - copyright jlynn

This is my reference photo for my next painting - she is my granddaughter, Tori, when she was little. I worked with the photo in Adobe photoshop. Can't wait to start this but have a few thing to do first...